Sarjana Bahasa dan Budaya Jepang Universitas Diponegoro BKJ UNDIP

2 Undergraduate Students of Japanese Language and Culture Won 2 branches of competition in Diponegoro Art Competition 2023

UNDIP Japanese Language and Culture Study Program made another achievement. After passing the selection stage to become a delegation for the Faculty of Cultural Sciences in the DAC competition some time ago, this time 2 of the 4 BKJ student representatives who made it through, namely, Aimee Ulya Zahrah Permadi Putri from the class of 2022 and Muhammad Raymond Pratama from the Class of 2021 managed to make achievements by winning 2 branches of competition at the Diponegoro Art Competition (DAC) 2023 competition. Aimee won 1st place in the poetry creation competition and Raymond won 3rd place in the color photography competition.  

Aimee said that the atmosphere when participating in DAC was very competitive because all the best participants from all faculties gathered in one place and competed with each other. Both Aimee and Raymond initially felt nervous and felt that other participants had better abilities than them. However, behind the tense atmosphere and nervousness they actually felt more challenged and more motivated in participating in the competition. 

In the end, they did not expect that they became one of the champions in their respective branches of competition. From what was originally just channeling their interests and talents into a hobby that eventually led them to become champions.  

Aimee and Raymond are grateful for all the support and appreciation they have received from various sources so far. They are also grateful to their friends who always support and convince them to be brave in participating in competitions until they become champions. They feel happy and proud to be able to bring the name of the BKJ study program in the DAC 2023 competition.  

Hopefully the experience gained by Aimee and Raymond can increase the motivation of other Japanese Language and Culture Students so that they will more often participate in competitions and can also make the Japanese Language and Culture Study Program proud. Hopefully in the next DAC there will be more Japanese Language and Culture students who represent FIB and become champions. 


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