Every year, the Ryukyus University of Okinawa, Japan, provides students from undergraduate Japanese Language and Culture study program Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University, to participate in the student exchange program for one year or half a year to learn Japanese language and culture. To participate in this program, students must take a series of tests, including an interview test.
In 2021, four students passed the program. The four students are 1). Shafa Natasyah Salsabila – 13020217140011; 2). Felix Reviandy Tyas Putra – 13020217120008; 3). Nida Khairunisa – 13020217140014; dan 4). Aulia Shidqin A – 13020217130029
Regarding covid, which is still hitting and Japan has not given permission to Indonesian citizens to enter their country, while waiting for permission from the Japanese government, this student exchange program has started with online lectures starting on April 9, 2021.
This Student Exchange Program has provided opportunities for undergraduate students of Japanese language and culture to improve their Japanese language skills further and gain insight into Japanese culture.